Clap For COVID19 Health Responders & Survivors
Clap For COVID19 Health Responders & Survivors Photo Mosaic project, a social media, digital, and mobile engagement community project.
Trade Show Organizers, Conferences Planners, Exhibitors, Press, Vendors & Venues Show Your Support

"We Clap For You" 3D Photo Mosaic - In Progress
Right now, health responders of COVID19 risk their lives - to save ours and the ones we love. Nurses, doctors, firefighters, volunteers and countless others, are out there battling every day on our behalf. To Pay tribute to our COVID19 heroes , 3D Photo Mosaic invites our event community made up of trade shows, conferences planners, exhibitors, press, vendors and venues, to take part in our “We Clap for You” 3D Photo Mosaic Campaign. as a way for our community to say thank you to those most impacted by COVID-19.
To take part in “We Clap for You” we simply ask you to submit an image. Your photo along, with a thousand others will be collaged together, to form a powerful landscape of support, that celebrates and thanks health responders for their courage and sacrifice. We need your participation and photo to make this happen.
There are three ways to participate and submit your photo:
1) Instagram - Post on Instagram and mention @3dphotomosaic & #WECLAPFORYOU
2) Twitter - Upload on Twitter and make sure to mention @3dphotomosaic & #WECLAPFORYOU
3) Text - Text WELL to 56512 to get started
The finished 3D Photo Mosaic and message will be unveiled to our hero’s in an online unveiling.
Build your own industry or community Clap For COVID19 Health Responders & Survivors Photo Mosaic. Contact for more information.
Photo disclaimer: All photos on this page were taken from online, unless stated. We do not take any credit for the capturing of these images.
To view announcements and postings, check out our social media pages: